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How to know something is wrong in your house

Help, something is wrong in my house!

These are things which we experienced in which you can tell something is wrong in your house:

  1. You start having bad dreams for no reason.
  2. In the corner of your eye you see shadows or feel like someone walked by.
  3. Cold air in certain places or suddenly in a room.
  4. Your animals are nervous, bark, growl, or jump at specific areas.
  5. You hear strange noises, clicks, screeches.
  6. You feel the hairs on your arms raising in certain areas.
  7. A strange feeling of fear of being alone in your house.
  8. There are things in your house which give you the creeps, either from yourself or from others.
  9. You see objects moving.
  10. There is strange quarreling among the people, even aggressively when there is no reason.
  11. Doors are opening and closing, or you hear them opening.
  12. Waking up at certain times of the night with cold air,
  13. Repeated numbers flashing.
  14. Strange phone calls, emails etc.
  15. Bad smells that do not come from something specific.
  16. Electric items breaking and electricity going haywire throughout the house.
  17. etc., etc, etc.

These strange phenomenon could indicate you are under spiritual attack or have cursed items in your house.

To cleanse you house go to: Spiritual house Cleansing and Steps and Prayers for Spiritual House Cleansing

Twenty Tips for Overcoming the Enemy Secrets of the Spirit Realm
Scriptures for ProtectionSigns witchcraft is attacking you
Prayer accepting JesusDistinguishing between good and bad dreams
11:11 Repeated numbersSpiritual House Cleaning
Steps and Prayers for Spiritual House CleaningEmpower