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Background information

A Biblical archaeologist is attacked by an invisible force
Escape seems impossible
until she makes a breathtaking discovery.
A treasure that many kings have desired to see.
The Secret of the Tree of Life Revealed.
The mystery of the Bible and the spirit world exposed.


A real-life thriller about a Biblical archaeologist who discovers that the spirit world is real.

Awestruck by Glory tells the true story of how a Biblical archeologist spends years digging the Bible to find the truth about history and God. Until one day she is confronted by the spirit world through kabbala and is attacked by a supernatural force that nearly kills her life. But in the midst of her deepest hour, she discovers that God is real, Jesus is alive and the Bible is the literal word of God.

  • Discover the reality of the supernatural.
  • Learn to distinguish between what is and what is not from God.
  • Reveal the secret of dreams.
  • Unlock the truth about angels and demons, new age, kabala, the Jezebel spirit, the queen of heaven, and wrong archaeological interpretations!
  • Learn to avoid deception and receive hands on Biblical tools on how to fight the enemy.
  • Dig deeper! and discover answers to the secrets of archeology and the Bible.
  • Learn to defeat your fear and receive practical keys to overcome in spiritual battle.
  • Learn how God still works miracles today and saves people from every situation.
  • Be inspired by this unforgettable true story and experience the power of testimony, as it supernaturally strengthens your faith! Be empowered to and ask God to do it again and rescue others!
  • Learn about the glory of God and the incredible things Yeshua has done for Israel!
  • Discover the reality of the spirit realm and the power of the name and blood of Jesus in spiritual warfare.
  • Learn how to overcome evil spirits, curses and break permissions given to the enemy.
  • Understand why miracles are real and break all theological and archaeological interpretation.
  • Uncover the meaning of Passover, the Biblical feasts, the Jewish roots of Christianity and why God has called all His children to sit together in unity at His table.
  • Be encouraged by Biblical prophecies coming true in our time. This gives us great hope!

An explosion of prophecies coming true after 2,000 years… The beginning of a great exodus. The fall of Jezebel in the end times. A Jewish family saved by the Messiah through dreams. Victory proclaimed under a blood-red moon. A miraculous Passover with 400 people in unity at God’s table and a special prophetic word for all believers today.

Background information about Awestruck by Glory

Awestruck by Glory is an autobiography and a personal testimony that tells the astounding real life story about how a biblical archaeologist was confronted by evil spirits through witchcraft and kabbala. Nearly losing her soul, she discovers there are two powers and has a true supernatural experience with Jesus Himself. It also describes the testimony of a family of Jewish scientists who entered into kabbala, was attacked by demons and miraculously saved by an unexpected Messiah through dreams and visions. This is an earth-shattering testimony of events that happened in the Netherlands, America and Israel between 2012-2015.

This book demonstrates the reality of the spirit realm through a first-hand account of a Biblical archaeologist, showing that miracles defy science and that God is able to rescue us from the most impossible situations.

This is a story about archaeology and faith, a modern story of Elijah fighting Jezebel, and an incredible Paul-like conversion of an archaeologist. It also tells the tale of a family of Jewish scientists who entered into kabbala, was attacked by demons, and was miraculously saved through dreams and visions by an unexpected Messiah: Yeshua-Jesus. It is a real Biblical style story and a great victory for Jesus showing God is still the same today and miracles defy all logic. The study of science and archaeology cause many people to doubt the Bible and while kabbala is widespread all the world over, this story will uncover both conundrums and demonstrate that Jesus is alive and victorious.

It is not just about archeology and faith, science vs belief, but also shows how a Biblical archaeologist and writer, who spent years helping scientists undermine the Bible, was suddenly confronted by an invisible world through kabbala. Attacked by evil spirits, demons, and witchcraft she nearly lost her soul and her life. However in the midst of her darkness there was someone unexpected who came to rescue her and one day the very book she used to undermine started coming to life. Jesus revealed Himself through His own words and through many dreams and visions and pulled her out of the darkness into the light.

Awestruck by Glory gives us a glimpse of the reality of God and shows Jesus can save us in any situation!

This first–hand experience of a Biblical archaeologist is an eye opening wake up call to the supernatural reality of God. It challenges atheists, the Biblical archaeological community and traditional and minimalistic theology, boosts faith and provides powerful answers to many controversial questions about the spirit realm with solid background information based on scripture. It includes hundreds of supernatural God encounters and illustrates that the Bible is literal Word of God and that its stories and prophecies are still unfolding before our eyes.

Be encouraged by this unforgettable story that brings hope to this world.

The power of darkness is nothing compared to the power of Yeshua!

In this spiritual war the victory of the light has already been achieved.

There is hope for this world because Yeshua has already won

“Awestruck, means to be totally filled with awe; To be overcome by wonder. It means you are so bursting with admiration or respect that you cannot move. You are struck by something so big and overwhelming that it fills your entire being. This is what it feels like when an archaeologist finds out about the glory of Yeshua. When we discover the greatest treasure in all the universe: that God is real and Yeshua is His redemptive plan for mankind. When we understand that Yeshua’s death 2000 years ago was not just a story passed on for 2000 years, but is real and sets us free in the present. I am and always will be awestruck by His Glory,” Jennifer Guetta.

“Sometimes you can only see the light through the darkness and then it is so much brighter.”
Mary from the book Awestruck by Glory